Group Executive
What does the Group Executive Do?
All members of the group executive are trustees of the charity and take responsibility for managing the group inline with the charity's vision, mission and strategy.
The group executive undertakes strategic planning to ensure that the group has the resources required to provide fun, challenge and adventure to the young people of Washington and their largely behind-the-scenes role enables adult leaders to focus on activities and programme for young people.
How is the Executive Made Up?
The executive is made up of adult leaders, supporters of the group and members of the local community. 4th Washington's exec consists of:-
Ex-officio Members
Group Chairperson
Group Scout Leader
Section Leaders
Elected Members
Elected at the AGM by the group council (usually 4 to 6 elected members)
Nominated Members
Nominations by the Group Scout Leader, no more than there are elected members.
Co-opted Members
Additional members co-opted by the group executive, who usually to bring a particular skill to the team.
Could You Inspire, Challenge and Support?
Download our role descriptions and apply to join our executive. You don't need any scouting experience and we're looking for volunteers with a broad range of skills and backgrounds.
Minutes from Our Meetings
The group operates for the benefit of it's members and aims to be transparent in decision making. You can download recent minutes of our meetings here.
Group Development Plan
The group's development plan sets out how the group will move forward over the next 5 years. At just 5 years old, 4th Washington has come along way since our beaver colony opened in 2013 and our plan is designed to continue that journey over the next 5 years.
View our group development plan here.
Currenty Vacant
Sarah Day
Susan Baggaley
Nominated Members
Laura Clarke
Elected Members
Claire Evans
Rachael Adgar
Iain Adgar
Ex-Officio Members
Stephen Harrison
Victoria Cousins
Sarah Harrison