CSI Washington

The Ransom Note

We’ve found 2 pens from the car of Al Burns - were they used to write the note?

You’ll need:

  • A glass of water

  • The ransom note

  • Evidence B & C

  • A pair of scissors

  • A piece of paper

What to do

  1. Cut a small strip off the ransom note (it needs to contain some of the ink)

  2. Place the end of the strip with writing on, into a glass of water and leave for 30 seconds

  3. In the meantime, use the two pens (evidence B & C) & draw on their own strips of paper (Make sure you mark which is which...!)

  4. Place the two new strips into the glass of water for 30 seconds

  5. Once all 3 strips of paper are out of the glass compare the spread of the ink

  6. Were either of the pens used to write the ransom note?

If these were found in Al Burn's Car, can you rule him out?

See the next evidence